“Observe A True Fast!”

“Observe A True Fast!” During one Lenten season a colleague asked to know if I ever fast at all! I asked him to tell me the difference between myself and himself who fasts! It isn’t necessary to make a public display of spiritual matters that has to be known only between you and God! Jesus […]

“May Your Suffering In The Lord Not Go In Vain!”

“May Your Suffering In The Lord Not Go In Vain!” Here we are to begin Lent season tomorrow as we will receive ash on our foreheads. We would be expected to reflect deeply on the love that God has for us, such that he allowed his Son to be killed as a ransom for our […]

“Preparing To Journey In Lent!”

“Preparing To Journey In Lent…!” Some years back I worshipped in a congregation in Pretoria. There happened to be a congregational meeting on that day. A point of discussion on the agenda was replacing the pastor’s old car. It was the concern of the Christians that the pastor’s car was now a liability and even […]

“Be Persistent In Prayer!”

“Be Persistent In Prayer!” My granddaughter is yet to turn two, but I’ve learned a great lesson of life about persistence from her. When she wants something she keeps asking for it. You may dissuade her by confusing her, giving her something else or an outright No! She may pretend to go along with you […]

“Allow The Bible To Read You!”

“Allow The Bible To Read You!” There was this East African lady who was always moving with her Bible. When asked why, she replied, “I am always with my Bible because it is the only book which I read and which reads me also.” When you hear somebody say, “that was a powerful message,” just […]