Tribute To An African Theological Guru, Professor John S. Mbiti

Tribute To An African Theological Guru, Professor John S. Mbiti. (Babila Fochang, Excerpts from my Doctor of Philosophy Dissertation). African Religion; Praeparatio Evangelica for the Gospel John S. Mbiti is one of the pillars of African theology. According to Bediako he is by far “the modern African theologian with…the weightiest bibliography” (1999, 303)” According to […]

“Put Your Trust In The Lord And Always Appreciate His Goodness!”

“Put Your Trust In The Lord, And Always Appreciate His Goodness!” King Hezekiah was ill almost to death. The Lord sent prophet Isaiah to tell the him to put his house in order because his sickness was on to death. The king prayed and wept and God changed his mind and added fifteen more years […]