“Preparing For The Second Coming of Christ Jesus!”

“Preparing For The Second Coming of Christ Jesus!”(I Th.4:13-18).Today is next Sunday before Advent. Next Sunday will be first Sunday in Advent. Advent season covers the four weeks before Christmas. The readings of Advent prepares us not only for the celebration of the birth of Christ Jesus but also for his Second Coming.Advent season is […]

“It Is Good To Suffer For Doing Good…!”

“It Is Good To Suffer For Doing Good…!”(I Pt.3:15-22).Dear friend, God in his grace has allowed us to come to another weekend. Let us be thankful that his grace is sufficient for us.Things are not always the way they should be. The good does not always receive commensurate reward. Almost all of us have passed […]

“Believe In The Son Of God And Love One Another In Action And In Truth!”

“Believe In The Son Of God And Love One Another In Action And In Truth!”(I Jn.3:19-24).There is a sense in which it is true that we can live in paradise on earth. Some of the early missionaries thought that the possibility of having such an earthly paradise was to form a Christian village. They often […]

“Forgive Your Brother From The Heart!”

“Forgive Your Brother From The Heart!”(Mt.18:21-35).Like Peter we too may want to know how many times we have to forgive a brother who sins against us. “Up to seven times?” Jesus says “not seven times, but seventy-seven times.” This is to say there is no limit to forgiveness.“I forgive you” is so common on our […]

“Win Your Brother Over; Show Him His Fault!”

“Win Your Brother Over; Show Him His Fault!”(Mt.18::15-20).It takes two to start a quarrel, in the same wsy that it takes two to tango. Blame is never solely on one side. Reconciliation is often difficult due to the claim of self-justification by one or both parties.Accepted that you are not the cause of the rift, […]