“Act Justly, Love Mercy And Walk Humbly With Your God!”
“Act Justly, Love Mercy And Walk Humbly With Your God!”(Mi.6:6-8).Building a right relationship with the LORD, and to say “I know the LORD” is to do what is right and just and defend the cause of the poor and needy(Jer.23:15-16), it is to desire mercy rather than sacrifice and burnt offerings(Ho.6:6). It is as Amos […]
“Turn To The LORD In Prayer!”
“Turn To The LORD In Prayer!”(Ezr.9:5-9&13-15ff).It’s a new day. We thank God for grace and mercy. Ezra was among the prominent exiles who returned from the Babylonian captivity and were building a new temple to the LORD.Not long afterwards it was noted that some of the people, including priests and some Levites committing the sin […]
“Go And Proclaim The Gospel…!”
“Go And Proclaim The Gospel…!”(Rev.14:6-7).Richard McElfick cautions us not to see the missionary enterprise as colonialism at prayer. The missionaries were people who after having received and believed in Jesus Christ as Saviour felt that all the world stood in need of that same salvation.And this is truly so in the case of Cameroon. Children […]
“Let The Righteous Sing A New Song To The LORD!”
“Let The Righteous Sing A New Song To The LORD!”(Ps.33:1-12).For a newcday, we thank you LORD.We have spent this whole week extolling the wonders of God in creation and sustenance. We round up today with a call to the righteous to sing joyfully to the LORD because it is fitting for the upright to praise […]
“O Sing Praises To The LORD Most High!”
“O Sing Praises To The LORD Most High!”(Ps.65:1-8).Dear friend, it’s another weekend and the LORD has been merciful to us again. Let us give thanks to the LORD for he is good.While Paul was advocating for Christ among the idolaters of Athens, some stoics and epicureans called him a babbler and others said, “He seems […]