“Called To Be Heirs Of A New Dispensation!”

“Called To Be Heirs Of A New Dispensation!”(Eph. 2:11-16).Some weeks ago, we centered a reflection on the great Ephesian Moment. Talking about the Ephesian moment, the venerable Prof Andrew F. Walls of blessed memory states: “The Ephesian letter is not about cultural homogeneity; cultural diversity had already been built into the church by the decision […]

“Pardon On The Cross!”

“Pardon On The Cross!”(Lk. 23:39-43).About two months ago I was called to baptised somebody on his sick bed. I had been told that several of his family members had coaxed him to be converted to Christ but he was adamant. As soon as I was told that he had finally accepted to be baptised, I […]