“May The Righteous Triumph!”

“May The Righteous Triumph!”(Prv. 28:12-14).“When t he righteous Triumph, there is great glory, but when the wicked prevail, people go into hiding. No one who conceals transgressions will prosper, but one who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy…”It’s close to a month now as I attended the BCA-USA 2024 Anual Convention at Norman, Oklahoma […]

“Repent And Live!”

“Repent And Live!”(Ez. 18:1-4&21-24&30-32).Reading from my laboratory result the other day, the doctor asked me if there is a family history of a certain disease. Such a question suggests that there are some genetic diseases. Children also inherit the debts of their parents in the same way that they inherit the wealth of their parents.Original […]