“Be Persistent In Prayer!”
My granddaughter is yet to turn two, but I’ve learned a great lesson of life about persistence from her. When she wants something she keeps asking for it. You may dissuade her by confusing her, giving her something else or an outright No!
She may pretend to go along with you but not long she comes back to her demand. Then for the sake of peace and also to be at rest, you’ll give in to her demands.
She has opened my eyes to see more clearly and my mind to understand better the importance of persistence in prayer.
Persistence shows how serious you want something. With persistence, whoever you were persisting to end up by “I give in. I didn’t want to do it, but just to have my peace please here is what you want!”
So therefore my friend, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you.” Yes, the prophet Isaiah says we should keep bothering God until he answers us!
If as human parents we know how to give good gifts to our children, how much more would our “Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!”(Lk. 11:5-13).
Take note that God is not directly dealing with your specificities, rather he gives you the Holy Spirit who encapsulates everything you would ever request from God!
God does not chew for you just to swallow! God is like the rich man who in his will asked his son to choose just one thing among his properties and leave the rest to the slave. As a wise son take the slave – in this case the Holy Spirit – and all the other possessions become yours!
Be persistent in prayer because persistence provides positive results!
Prayer: Heavenly Father, make the Holy Spirit my “Boon Companion!” Amen!
Wishing you a happy and blessed Sunday! Peace be with you!
“Teaching From The One Who Sends Us!”
“Teaching From The One Who Sends Us!”(Jn.7:14-18).We cannot underestimate the gains of the missionary movement in Africa. The missionaries sacrificed their lives to ensure that