“Be Ready At All Times To Do God’s Will!”
Jesus Christ continues to be our example of sacrificial service and unconditional love. A model of obedience. With the challenge of death staring him in the face he was ready to do as it is written, “Behold, I have come to do your will, O God…”(Heb. 10:1-10).
Life can never be smooth sailing. It is not about prosperity and comfort. It is about doing the will of God whatever that will is!
It is about being ready to die to stand for what is for the general interest and challenge those who for self-interest blindfold and lure the majority into false beliefs!
It is good to do the will of God, whatever it is and however it takes!
Prayer: Lord make me a true instrument of your service. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
“The Lord Will Protect You II!
“The Lord Will Protect You II!”(Acts 23:12-22).Yesterday’s pericope ended with, “…the Lord stood near Paul and said, ‘Take courage! As you have testified about me