“Prepare For The Second Coming Of The Lord!”
During the celebration of the Eucharist, the minister says, “Our Lord come.” The congregation responds, “Come Lord Jesus.” Do you as an individual actually feel the need and true expectation of Jesus coming that soon?
One of the dirges sung in Mungaka when translated into English is something like, “If Jesus says he’ll take your heart today, leave it to him and follow him…” Imagine that there is a roll call register that while singing the song at the funeral the secretary reads out, “the next funeral will be Babila and is going to be tomorrow…”
Babila like the rest may say, “Lord, not now. Give me some time…” My friend, there may never be a tomorrow. “Live this day as if it were your last day on earth,” because Jesus says, “Behold I am coming soon!” And when he comes for this second time, it is “not to deal with sin but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him”(Heb. 9:23-28).
To wait eagerly is to be fully prepared and ready! Are you prepared?
Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, you offered yourself once to bear the sins of many. Thank you that I am counted among the many. Holy Spirit prepare me to be among those who would be saved in the second coming of the Lord. Amen!
Have a blessed weekend! Peace be with you!
“The Lord Will Protect You II!
“The Lord Will Protect You II!”(Acts 23:12-22).Yesterday’s pericope ended with, “…the Lord stood near Paul and said, ‘Take courage! As you have testified about me