“You Are Called To Serve!”


“You Are Called To Serve…!”
The Passion stories for this year are from the gospel of Luke. Today the reading is 22:1-34. The unit has many independent stories one can reflect upon.
One of such stories is Jesus’ legacy to the twelve: “Servanthood leadership.” The twelve were arguing as to who of them was the greatest. Jesus said to them, “The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them; and those who exercise authority over them call themselves Benefactors. But you are not to be like that, the greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves…”
These are the words of the Master to his followers. His words were not mere rhethorics as some of us are these days. Jesus practiced what he prescribed!
These days church ministers move in motorcades, more than presidents of wealthy nations. Some walk on people because their expensive shoes must not touch the ground; some are carried on chairs while preaching. Others have become angels flying in the air! Some are voted to serve, but they become gods. If you do not sing their praises, you are treated like outcast! Money flies all over the place without accountability! Servanthood is relegated to the background! The concern of the poor and disenfranchised has been relegated to the background! If a unit cannot generate money, it must not exist!
Acts of mercy and justice born out of grace seems not to be on the agenda! The man who said “the one who rules must be like the one who serves” sits on the throne and mourns again, as if his blood was shed for nothing!
Cry the beloved institution founded by the blood of Christ!
My friend, we are all leaders at various levels. As you reflect on the passion of Jesus today, look inwards to check on the kind of leadership that you exhibit! Do you lord it over others like the gentiles or are you a servant leader? Have you become god that if you don’t say it, it cannot be? Do you want the best for self and care nothing for others?
Our parents of old knew exactly what servanthood leadership was all about. When the children were eating, they were asked to take turns in sharing the soup, be it vegetables or meat. The parents were observant to see the person who shared and took the last portion. Such a child was fit to be a successor. Such a child would serve the others because he had the interest of others first. The greedy person shares and takes the first share because he knows that he was not fair in measuring!
Be a servant and not a master! Jesus was a prince, a king and something more, but he became a servant of all. By this submission he was elevated to the Christ!
Humble yourself and the Lord will lift you up!
Prayer: Dear Jesus humble me as I journey in faith with you to the Skull. Amen!
Welcome back to a new working week! Have a blessed day and week! Peace be with you!



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