“There Is Life Beyond The Horizon Of Death!”


“There Is Life Beyond The Horizon Of Death!”
Your lifetime on earth is too brief, no matter how long you live! Life therefore is like chasing the wind for it fades away like the flowers of the morning.
However, religions the world over believe that life does not end with physical existence. It is a good thing that African Christians are more and more being aware that death just like life is to be celebrated and not to be mourned for.
Paul advises that as Christians we should not be ignorant about Those who die, “or to grieve like the rest of men, who have no Hope. We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him…For the Lord himself will come down from heaven…and the dead in Christ will rise first…And so we will be with the Lord in the air forever.”
My friend, talk on death is still such a scary topic to most of us, but it is an inescapable reality! We are surrounded by death. Everyday we are burying loved ones. These words are comforting to us, that we should not grieve like the rest of men who have no hope!
We have hope of another life. Just as God brought Jesus back to life, so too all the death in Jesus shall live again!
Those who are asleep in Jesus have blessed sleep! It is also our confidence that we have another home in view; a kingdom with many mansions!
Death in Christ is not annahilation; it is a gateway to eternity!
Easter celebration is the celebration of the triumph of life over death! The dangerous monster death cannot cage believers in the grave! The dead shall arise and dry bones shall live again!
Do not fear death and do not mourn your dead ones with hopelessness! In Christ the is life beyond the horizon of death!
Use these words to encourage each other!(I Th. 4:13-18).
Prayer: Father give us the courage to accept death as a reality of life and prepare ourselves to die in Christ for an assured resurrection. Amen!
Have a blessed weekend! Peace be with you!



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