“Come To Jesus Christ And Enjoy Life In Its Fullness!”
While going to a distant congregation the pastor assigned a layman to preach at the parish seat congregation. When he returned many Christians complained that the layman’s sermon was the worst they had ever heard.
After reflecting for a while, the pastor asked the complainants, “Did the preacher call the name of Jesus Christ?” They answered that he did, so the pastor told them,” If the man called the name of Jesus Christ what else did you want?”
In one on his “I Am” words, Jesus says, “I am the gate for the sheep…whoever enters through me will be saved. He will come in and go out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; but I have come that you may have life, and have it to the full.”
Jesus is not just the gate, again he says, “I am the good shepherd.” The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep, but the hired hand does not.
The sheep knows the voice of the good shepherd and will not listen to the voice of a stranger(Jn. 10:1-12).
My friend, I can testify that truly Jesus ennures the sheep that heeds his voice life in all its fullness! “Life without Christ is shattered dreams!”
Today there are so many voices calling, such that it is often difficult to know which one of them belong to Christ or is leading to Christ. God has sent messengers to draw lost humanity to Christ! Whoever is calling you to come, pray for discernment so that you can be able to know if the one is drawing you to self or to Christ!
While Jesus is the gate and the good shepherd who has already laid down his life for his sheep, strive to be a meek and humble sheep who hears the masters voice and follow same! If you do, you will have life and have it to the full!
Prayer: Holy Spirit make me a meek and humble sheep. Give me a discerning spirit to recognise the voice of the good shepherd and follow him. Amen!
Have a happy and blessed Sunday! Peace be with you!
“The Lord Will Protect You!”
“The Lord Will Protect You!”(Acts 22:30-23:11).Paul was brought before the Sanhedrin – the highest tribunal of the Jews. His detractors had stirred other Jews against