“All Praise, Honour And Glory Belong To You Lord!”


“All Praise Honour And Glory Belong To You Lord!”
While we have used the crow of the cock to determine time, it was surely not intended for that. In the same way the melody of the clockbird in the early morning is not to alert us that it is day break.
Village lads like us were used to the various melodies produced by different birds in their sometimes ceaseless chattering. These creatures just look for the right timings to praise God.
The week’s focus has been on praising God in songs. Its culmination tells of the thousands and tens of thousands of angelic choirs singing songs “to him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honour and glory for ever and ever!” (Rev.5:6-14).
Praise, worship and adoration is what should take much of our time and not spare “time!”
Our singing here is just rehearsals; a dim reflection in the mirror. Big time singing will be with the mass choir in heaven.
Every time in heaven is praise time since life in heaven is not physical. There’ll be no eating, no drinking, no work! Every time is praise time.
Jesus has won the victory over the monster of sin and death. All we can give back to him is praise, adoration and worship as a foretaste of what will be in heaven.
Prayer: Holy Spirit inspire me to daily praise the Lord even in the silence of my heart. Amen!
Have a blessed weekend! Peace be with you!



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