“Pray To Be Heard By God; Do Not Pray To Be Seen By Men!”
Prayer is conversation with a superior authority. You talk less and listen more, and with keen attention because the wise speak in riddles. If you do not listen with keen attention you may not hear the answer given by the wise through riddles, proverbs and parables.
Conversing with God and expecting answers from him requires trust, conviction and hope with patience.
Jesus advises that your prayer should not be a public demonstration to be seen and heard by others! The worst kind of hypocrisy of prayer in our time is that we pray publicly asking God for something when we have made a firm decision to do something else!
Prayer should not be rigmarole! “…when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words…” Far from it, “your Father knows what you need before you ask him.” Jesus then goes on to give an example of prayer; what we call today, “The Lord’s Prayer.”(Mtt.6:5-13).
Your prayer should include, adoration, petition, praise, readiness to forgive and thanksgiving. When you pray, wait for Lord’s response with confidence trusting that “in all things, God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose(Rom. 8:28).
Without trust and patient hope you may think that God no longer hears and answers your prayers. No! He hears, he answers in his own good time and in his own way!
Prayer: Dear Lord give me a discerning spirit to know when your response to my prayer is, yes, no, or wait. Strengthen me to hope and wait patiently for your response. Amen!
Have a happy and blessed Sunday! Peace be with you!
“Sent By God To Save Lives!”
“Sent By God To Save Lives!”(Gen.45:1-15).Joseph was hated by his brothers because he was the favourite of their father. Besides, his kind of dreams, which