“Father, May Your Will Be Done!”


“Father, May Your Will Be Done!”
As his days drew to an end, Jesus took his disciples to Gethsemane. He took Peter and two others farther along with him. He was “sorrowful and troubled.” He told them, “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.” He went a little father alone to pray. Coming back he found the three sleeping. He asked Peter, “Could you men not keep watch with me for one hour? Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The Spirit is willing, but the body is weak.” When he came back again, they were still “sleeping, because their eyes were heavy”(Mtt. 26:39-44).
This week our focus will be on prayer. The little I deduce from the text in relation to prayer is that when we are “sorrowful and troubled” we need close aides to keep watch and keep us company in our contemplation. Secondly, it is essential for us to be awake, to watch and pray so that we can escape temptation. Temptation comes through the demands of the body, even when the spirit is willing.
However, there is an important lesson to learn from Jesus himself:
Yesterday we noted that the worst hypocrisy of prayer in our time is that we pray God for one thing when we have made a firm decision to do something else. On the contrary, when you pray to the Father like Jesus did, do not expect him to do just what your weak body expects. In praying Jesus said, “…yet not as I will, but as you will.” The next time he said, “…may your will be done”(26:36-44).
When prayer does not align in God’s will, it may not change anything! So my friend, each time you pray asking God for anything, conclude by leaving it to him to let it be the way he has planned it. Let it be as he has willed it to be!
Prayer: Father, may your will be done. Amen!
Welcome back to another working week! As you begin your day by asking God for whatever, leave them in his hands for his will to be done! Have a blessed day and week! Peace be with you!



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