“Happy Pentecost Sunday!”


“Happy Pentecost Sunday!”
Becoming a new creation in Christ is not about changing the container, it is about filling the container with new content. It is like putting new wine into old wineskins.
Like we stated yesterday, the past is important to the present. The world being a global village is not just about being connected to other parts of the world. The global village is also about continuity; that is connecting the past to the present and ensuring that the future is involved in any present consideration.
Today Pentecost we commemorate the coming of the Holy Spirit as promised by Jesus. Pentecost was an old Jewish feast day which God in Jesus Christ filled with new content and meaning. It is important to know where we come from so as to appreciate how far we have come so as to meaningfully plan where we are heading to.
Therefore, our take home Pentecost message: We know what others say about who Jesus is, but you, who do you say he is? It is not enough to parody Peter and say, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”(Mtt.16:13-20). No! Who is Jesus to you? How have you experienced him? Have you encountered him? These questions and many more are what the Holy Spirit helps you to understand.
As you celebrate Pentecost this year, may the same Holy Spirit help you and I to truly know the meaning of Christ in our lives, the church and the community in which we live! The Holy Spirit has come to keep us in union with God after the death of Jesus has reconciled us to God! Maintain that bond through justice, righteousness and truth!
Prayer: Holy Spirit enable me to know the meaning of Jesus Christ in my life, my church and the community where I live. Amen!
Happy and blessed Pentecost day! Peace be with you!



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