“Be Reconciled To One Another!”


“Be Reconciled To One Another!”
In the Communion liturgy of most mainline churches these words of Jesus are repeated, maybe not in the same words: “Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled with your brother; then come and offer your gift” (Mt.5:23-24).
Most times we beat our chests like baboons as we wait for the person who wronged us to come and say, “I am sorry. Please forgive me.” That’s not what Jesus says. He has not said “…if you… remember that you have something against your brother;” he says, “…if you… remember that your brother has something against you…” For someone to have something against you does not necessarily mean you have wronged the person; but go and be reconciled all the same!
For all my years of ministry – which is on the ripe side of three score – I have never done it and nobody has ever done it to me. Yet there are many whom I know have somethings against me in the same worship services and there are many in the same worship services who know I have somethings against them.
Sadly enough is that even when a move for reconciliation is initiated you hear some say, “I don’t have anything against you.” But as we all know, “action speaks louder than words.” When they act it confirms that they have something against you. They even beat your dog when they don’t find you!
My friend, walking the talk in this journey in faith is not an easy feat, yet it is the only way by which God’s kingdom reign has to be effected here on earth.
We are able to make the difference. All it takes is to bring down our egos, lower our pride and accept shame, mockery and humiliation – becoming like children. God did that when he offered his Son to reconcile us to himself. We too can do it!
Christian offerings have amounted to huge sums of money which we have used in constructing magnificent places of worship for the Lord. But before bringing those offerings did we reconcile with those who had issues against us? Can that be one of the reasons why we lift up our hands in prayer but God is instead busy attending to other people?
A clean and pure heart is what God wants from you and I. When we have love, show love and be loving then we have all that money cannot buy!
Prayer: Holy Spirit help me to lower my pride and be reconciled with those who have anything against me. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!



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