“Identify, Appreciate And Encourage The Gifts Of Others!”


“Identify, Appreciate And Encourage The Gifts Of Others!”(I Cor.12:12-20).
One time or the other you may have joined in a conversation in which comparisons were made as to which pastor is a better preacher.
Our greatest assets as Christians is to identify, appreciate and encourage the gifts of each one of us. No one has it all. As a minister I know what I’m good at. I’ve never hesitated to direct Christians to a colleague who can better serve their needs because the problem is in the area of that coloeague’s competence. When you are a jack of all trades, you end up being master of none.
God has blessed each one of us with at least a gift. Some may have more than one gift.
What matters is that all the gifts are intended for the good of all in building the body of Christ.
Again, there is no room for inferiority complex born out of the superiority complex of haughty people. All gifts are useful and should be harnessed to the benefit of all.
Within the body of Christ there shouldn’t be any ethnic or cultural distinction. Within the body of Christ we have sometimes watched with broken spirits the blatant marginalization and humiliation of clergies from some particular ethnic backgrounds – even when they too are well gifted. In the body of Christ there is unity and diversity which has to be appreciated because God is the author of both. Social distinctions shouldn’t be encouraged in the body of Christ.
God has arranged it that different Christians in the body of Christ should excercise different spiritual gifts. Everybody must not have the same gift. The diversity of gifts is intended to accomplish God’s unifying purpose.
Diversity is God’s method to create unity in the body of Christ. In Christ we are one!
Dear friend, you have a gift or gifts. In Christ no gift is inferior, no race is inferior and there is no class distinction.
We are one body, many parts. And all parts are useful for the well-being of the body – the Church of Christ.
Prayer: Holy Spirit help me to identify, appreciate and encourage the gifts of others. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.



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