“The Eternal Love Of God!”


“The Eternal Love Of God!”(1Kgs.10:1-9).
It is not an exaggeration when Solomon was considered the wisest man who had ever lived the earth. According to the queen of Sheba, not even half of what she saw with her eyes was told her concerning Solomon’s wisdom and wealth. “In wisdom and wealth you have far exceeded the report I heard.”
Solomon’s wisdom and wealth was due to his relation to the name of the LORD.
The queen of Sheba recognized that Solomon was who he was because of the LORD.
She praised God saying, “Praise be to the LORD your God, who has delighted in you and placed you on the throne of Israel. Because of the LORD’S eternal love for Israel, he has made you knig, to maintain justice and righteousness.” This is not to say this queen was converted to the God of Solomon. But she recognized the LORD as being the source of Solomon’s wisdom and wealth.
We note these three points in her praise: 1. The LORD was delighted in Solomon. 2. His eternal love for Israel was the reason he made Solomon king. Lastly, Solomon was made king to “maintain justice and righteousness.”
The Lord Jesus Christ used the example of the queen of Sheba to condemn his generation and ours. If the queen of Sheba had to travel from her kingdom to go see and hear for herself about Solomon, how bad it is for us to ignore Christ who himself is the Wisdom of God, One who is greater than Solomon!(Mt.12:42).
Christ is the king of justice and righteousness. He is the wisdom that is antecedent to Solomon. Wisdom dwells together with prudence, knowledge and discretion. Wisdom hates evil, pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech. Wisdom walks in the way of righteousness and justice(Prov.8:1ff).
The eternal love of God for the chosen has led him to give us the Christ who is our wisdom. Through him all things were made. He is the source of our being. Therefore, as you enter the new year, stop chasing the shadow and go after Christ Jesus who is the substance.
Prayer: Holy Spirit inspire me to depend on the eternal love of God for justice and righteousness. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.



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