“Good News For Everybody!”


“Good News For Everybody!”(Acts 11:1-18).
We cannot begin to take in new ideas except in terms of ideas we already have. The early Jewish converts were thinking only in terms of Jewish categories. According to them following Christ was something exclusive to the Jews alone.
The real conversion for the Jew was not only turning to Christ, it was also to accept that Christ does not belong to the Jews only.
Today’s Christian and Christian Church is some times more exclusive than the Jews of old. Firstly, Christians must learn to accept that God is not a Christian. God is unlimited and we should stop limiting him.
The Lord Jesus Christ is without boarders.
When this realisation dawned on Peter he concluded, “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favouritism but accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right”(Acts 19:34).
Yes, through Christ God pours his Spirit even on Gentiles, as long as they fear him and do what is right.
We are messengers to bring the good news that saves. It is only God himself through Christ who pours the Holy Spirit on others.
God in Christ has granted even us Gentiles repentance unto life. Hallelujah! Christ embraces everybody, so too must we.
Weekend prayer: Holy Spirit convict us to rejoice in the universality of the gospel. Amen!
Have a blessed weekend! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.



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