“God’s Unconditional Love!”


“God’s Unconditional Love!”(Dt. 7:6-12).
One of my Christians, a former chairperson of her congregation had a fatal bike accident last Sunday. I shivered when she first sent a picture of her injured leg to me. The accident was so bad that she had to be operated upon. But I love her cheerfulness and courage. Chatting with her the other day she told me that she has been reflecting a lot over the accident. She wondered whether God was punishing her because she refused to work again as elder. I told her that the accident had nothing to do with punishment. Many other people have declined work in God’s vineyard but nothing happened to them.
The book of Lamentation is a lament of the destruction of Jerusalem. But even so, the author still said, “Because of the LORD’S great love we are not consumed, for his compassion never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness”(Lam. 3:22). The author looked beyond the present grief, desolation and despair to a future that was bright and assuring. The presence of affliction is not the absence of God’s unfailing love. In the same way, God’s love does not mean the elimination of affliction.
You see, the difference between selection and election is the “s.” God does not select or elect anyone based on absolute merit. God’s choice is based on his love. God “is a faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generation of those who love him and keep his commandments…”
When we pay attention to his laws and are careful to follow them, he too will keep his covenant of love.
And as we know, the Lord Jesus Christ is the sum total of God’s love for us. Believing in Christ and obeying him should be the sum total of our response as we keep our side of the bargain.
Weekend prayer: Thank you LORD for your unfailing and unending love. Amen!
Have a blessed weekend! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.



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