“The Fellowship Of Believers!”


“The Fellowship Of Believers!”(Acts 2:43-47).
Good people of God, it’s another day in which we should celebrate the Lord’s goodness. On Sunday we were invited to the wedding Supper of the Lamb. On Monday Jesus shared bread and wine with his disciples during the Passover meal. He then filled this meal with new content and it has become the Lord’s Supper or Last Supper.
Today we have a historical flashback on the way the early Christians continued with the celebration of the Lord’s Supper. It was a full meal where people ate and were fully satisfied. And this was on a daily basis.
It’s a shame that greed and “classism” took the upper part of Christians, like in the Corinthian case where people ate greedily and in stratified groups. That is why today the bread of the Lord’s Supper is a small wafer and a tiny phial of wine.
The Lord’s Supper from the time of Jesus to the time of the early Church was not only a commemoration of the body and blood of Christ; it was also a “Koinonia” meal, keeping the Christians together in the bond of fellowship.
The song writer who said, “Give me that old time religion” was simply disappointed with the belittling of the gospel by modern day so-called protectors and propagators of the same gospel. These people have distorted the gospel to their selfish ends and that is why gospel ministers now centre their messages on fighting each other on their pulpits – that’s if they have any pulpits at all!
Some evil ones – who are the real incarnations of evil keep calling people of good conscience devils and asking others to stay away from them. Good for them that they have the free official platform from which they can dish out any junk and force down the throats of gullible Christians.
The culture of my people is that when you enter the palace you greet. Whether the Fon is there or not, you greet royally. This means the people greet the stool and not the person who sits on the throne! We all deserve only the Styrofoam cup! My friend, Authority forsakes all dieing kings!
True disciples gather together, break bread together in true fellowship and God increases the number of those who are being saved. True fellowship is when we bring what we have for the Common good “with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favour of all the people.”
Prayer: Holy Spirit convict our spirits and take us back to the old time religion of true conviviality. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.



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