“O LORD, Do Not Forsake Us!”


“O LORD, Do Not Forsake Us!”(Jer.14:2-9).
The OT prophets pointed out four main ways by which God brought calamity upon the people. These were drought, famine, sword, and pestilence.
When there is drought, it is likely followed by famine. The sword is a symbol of war, and pestilence is plague sometimes caused by creatures like locusts, etc.
When any of the above happened to Israel or in Israel, the prophets pointed out that it was punishment from God for the sins of the people.
Today’s reading mentions two of those calamities: drought and famine. Judah wailed for the land. When they visited the cisterns they didn’t find any water. “They return with their jars unfilled; dismayed and despairing, they cover their heads. The ground is cracked because there is no rain in the land; the farmers are dismayed and cover their heads… Even the doe in the field deserts her newborn because there is no grass. Wild donkeys stand on the barren heights and pant like jackals; their eyesight fails for lack of pasture.”
Faced with this calamitous situation, the prophet prayed: “Although our sins testify against us, O LORD, do something for the sake of your name. For our backsliding is great; we have sinned against you. O Hope of Israel, its Savior in times of distress, why are you like a stranger in the land, like a stranger who stays only a night? … You are among us, O LORD, and we fear your name; do not forsake us!”
Water is life! Each time we begin to face acute water problems, look around, and you’ll realise the cause is greed and avarice, embezzlement of public funds, capital flight, and endemic corruption!
The good news is that God is seemingly like a a stranger, but he is among us. We bear his name, and for the sake of the Jeremiahs who intercede for our sake, he will not forsake us.
Let us turn to Immanuel so that the LORD will restore us fully so that water flows again in abundance in our communities.
Prayer: LORD, we acknowledge the gravity of our sins, but for your name’s sake, do not forsake us. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with!
Rev Babila Fochang.



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