“Loving God!”


“Loving God!”(Zec.8:14-19).
At Christmas, we say, “Christ is the reason for the season.” In the same way we can say of Lent that “sin is the reason for the season.”
It is true that Christ is still the focus of the Lenten season because during this season, we remember the events leading up to and including his death. But Lent is also “a period of fasting and regret for one’s sins.”
This explains why within the early phase of the season the lectionary provides us with readings that relates to disobedience, sin, God’s wrath, but also penitence, repentance, God’s mercy, compassion and forgiveness.
Through prophet Zechariah, the LORD spoke to those who had returned from the Babylonian captivity.
By extension, we are third-person recipients of the same message. In the message, the LORD shows his readiness to do a new thing; as opposed to the past.
There is this assurance from the LORD: “Just as I determined to bring disaster upon you …so now I have determined to do good again…Do not be afraid.”
There is, however, a condition. There are things we have to do to show that we are deserving of God’s grace and mercy.
These are the things we have to do: “Speak the truth to each other, and render true and sound judgement in your courts; do not plot evil against your neighbour, and do not love to swear falsely. I hate all this… love truth and peace.”
These are the moral and ethical behaviour that sums up the character of those who are in covenant relationship with the LORD.
Once we are in harmony with the LORD through the practice of what he requires, our numerous periods of fastings “will become joyful and glad occasions and happy festivals…”
Dear friend, consider that you are God’s garden where he has planted wheat. Whichever way the weeds came in, they are there. The LORD is telling you and I: “Gather the weeds, tie them in bundles, and burn them. Now harvest the wheat, tie them in sheaves and store in the barn. Relax and enjoy.”
Prayer: Holy Spirit, guide me to do that, which is pleasing and acceptable to the LORD. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.



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