“God Loves You; Love Others In Return!”


“God Loves You; Love Others In Return!”
Introducing my paper at the conference the other day I reminded participants that whoever is sick and goes to hospital is going for consultation and treatment. I also reminded them that every hospital has an “Emergency unit.” As soon as an emergency case presents itself, all attention to other patients are temporarily suspended to attend to the emergency case. I told them that Cameroon for now is an emergency!
So as the conference rounded up yesterday, Cameroon was presented as a topic for prayer, sensitization, lobbying and twitting back home of every participant. It was agreed as a matter of priority that the crisis in Cameroon should be given the widest publicity across the globe from the continent of Africa, UK, USA, Trinidad and Tobago and all the places where delegates of TRRR were coming from. Information is empowerment! In this is love!
Hitherto they were ignorant of what is happening in Cameroon. Meanwhile we sit back home asking “What is the international community doing?”
And as it is, the churches in Cameroon are usually full to capacities during worship services which can hardly come to an end without the word “love” being mentioned more than once! How hard can the heart of man become?
All those in Cameroon challenging any peace initiative for whatever reason, all those ordering and promoting indiscriminate killings, do they deserve to call God in prayer?
I say, “No!” John reminds us this morning in very strong terms, to “love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.” God manifested this love by first loving us to the extent of sending his Son to be “the propitiation for our sins.”
My friend, if God loved us this much, “we also ought to love one another.” Here is the crux of the matter: “No-one has seen God at any time. If we love one another, God abides in us, and his love has been perfected in us”(I Jn.4:7-12).
The questions to answer for yourself: “By your actions towards others, do you actually love them? Can you say God abides in you because you have loved others? Is God’s love perfected in you?”
Prayer: Lord, I cannnot give what I do not possess. Holy Spirit fill me with the love of God so that I see him through those to whom I interact with and share love today. Amen!
Have a blessed weekend full of love! Peace be with you!



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