“Let Us Be One Another’s Keeper!”
There is a popular unchristian expression which unfortunately has been endorsed by many christians that “salvation is personal.” It is true that we shall each give personal accounts before the Chief Judge, but while we are here we need each other to grow in the faith.
My people say “the river meandered because it flowed alone.” John Donne said “No man is an island.” We belong to each other. When a brother or sister stumbles and falls, it is the duty of those who are standing to lift the one up.
Imagine a world where each person stays aloof and say, “that’s his cup of tea!” We do not forget also that there are some who claim that their ideas are the best and that they know better than any other person. Such people are not ready to listen to anybody!
We are however asked to be one another’s keeper! James advises us, “…if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring him back, remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from error of his way will save him from death and cover over a multitude of sins”(Jm.5:19-20).
Yes my friend, we belong to each other! We need each other to stay strong! Those who know it all and won’t listen to others are like the stubborn fly that will follow a corpse into the grave!
My people give the name, “Nubònyiñ,” meaning human problems are the same everywhere. It may be me today, and tomorrow it may be you. You do not have to rejoice in the fall of another person because “no condition is permanent!” Do not also go about hurting others and cause them to rather rejoice over your fall!
Heaven will be a place of great fellowship; let us help each other so that we shall all share in that heavenly glory! The time to prepare for it is now and the place is where you are!
Weekend Prayer: Holy Spirit inspire me to bring back a brethren who wanders away from the truth. Help me to accept the correction of others when I wander from the truth. Amen!
“Fix Your Eyes On Jesus!”
“Fix Your Eyes On Jesus!”(Heb.12:1-3).“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the