“For The Sake Of Peace, Think Of Others Before Self!”


“For The Sake Of Peace, Think Of Others Before Self!”
My people say one cannot be in the house alone and yet complain that someone has farted. It takes two to tango. Humanity is a social animal. Each person has a unique socialization background. Living together means there’s bound to be conflicts, but when conflicts do arise there is need for a peaceful conflict resolution.
The first thing is to acknowledge that there is a problem, then look for appropriate ways of solving them. In today’s Cameroon the cry for the need for peace in on almost every lip, yet the very people claim there is no problem.
When people make the bold step to settle their differences, there must be readiness to make concessions. Conflicts are resolved by shifting positions, not by “standing our grounds!”
In the conflict on the use of space between Abram and Lot, Abram gave us a model of how to live and let others live. He showed the land in both directions to Lot and asked Lot to make his choice first. Lot chose the part of the whole plain of Jordan that “was well watered, like the garden of the Lord…” So lot “pitched his tents near Sodom” who “were wicked and were sinning against the Lord.” You see, “not all that glitters is gold!”
When the two had parted company, God assured Abram of the possession of the land, north, south, east and west and as an inheritance to his offspring for ever.
Yes, Abram’s action demonstrates that when we let go, God makes sure we get the best! Abram did not also forget that our help always comes from the Lord of heaven and earth!
As soon as he settled, Abram “built an alter to the Lord”( Gen.13:8-18).
My friend, in any conflict situation, seek counsel from the Lord. Let go and you will see what the Lord will do to your favour! Those who trust in the Lord know that letting go has never been a sign of weakness. On the contrary, “the Lord will fight for you!”
Prayer: Lord give me a heart that allows the Lots of my life to have the first choice, for I know your plans for me are better than I know. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!



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