“Make Yourself Always Ready For Reconciliation!”


“Make Yourself Always Ready For Reconciliation!”
The question on many lips today is, “Why is it so difficult for church ministers in particular and all christians in general to practice what they preach concerning the settling of disputes?”
If I am accused rightly or wrongly, I will provide the right opportunity for my accusers to table their grievances through the appropriate channels. If from the position of power and authority I block all right channels, then I should be ready for any kind of publicity that goes around.
Jesus himself tells us how to settle our disputes when wronged! (Mtt,18:15-20). Unfortunately for us these days we are going about it all the wrong way because of the adamancy and high-handedness exhibited by someif us!
If I have said, let us discuss the matter and I’m ignored on the pretext that there is no problem; if I have asked that there is need to call this brother and talk with him and the appeal is ignored, what do we actually mean to call for peace to the people who do not know that we have “blocked all avenues for peace with manipulatuons and devilish scheming!”
Who is going to blame that the peace and reconciliation we so much want to champion for our people must begin with us as we put our houses in order!
I’ve been married for over twenty-seven years. Nobody has ever come to settle our disputes, not because we do not have grave misunderstandings, but because we’ve always prayed over it and because I am always ready to say, “Please forgive me. I am sorry!” I do this even when I’m right because my parents told me that in any quarell between a man and the wife, the wife is always in the right.
As christians we should ensure a world free of strife by being able to take the prescription we prescribe to others! The world you and I long to transform is represented in our backyards! Let us pray for the Holy Spirit to soften our hearts so we can free our hearts of hatred against each other!
Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, give me a heart that is ready to listen to those I’ve hurt and to reconcile with them. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!



“Guide Against Complacency!”

“Guide Against Complacency!”(I Cor.10:12-13).“So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall! No temptation has overtaken you except what is

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