“Holy Spirit Enable Me To Do God’s Will…!”


“Holy Spirit, Enable Me To Do God’s Will…!”
Yesterday I read an interesting article in the Africa Theological Journal, Makumira University College. The article is by Anna Chitando. Chitando tells the story of a prophet who “became a national celebrity due to his claim that he could assist couples and individuals with fetility problems… He claimed to have assisted at least 22000 couples conceive in one year alone…” His “popularity began to wane when he was accused of rape and seducing women who consulted him…” The interesting part of the story is that the prophet “has since exhanged his prophetic robes for the traditional healer’s sacred regalia.”
The said prophet is a microcosm of the myriads of us who speak and do things in God’s name without seeking his consent! Judgement day holds a lot of surprises as when a new pastor to hell will ask a senior one he meets there, “Are you also here?” Then the senior responds, “Please lower your voice, the bishops, moderators and presidents are having a meeting upstairs!”
My friend, there is a lot you and I have said and done in God’s name, knowing fully well that we have not sought God’s opinion on the matter. There are many of us of whom Jesus will say, “I never knew you. Away from me, you evil doers!”
It is not so much about whether we said, “Lord, Lord,” or that we prophesied in his name, drove out demons and performed miracles in his name!” What Jesus requires from you and I is that we do the will of his Father who is in heaven(Mtt.7:21-23). Whatever we say or do, let it be in the Father’s will! More than that, let our lifestlyes not contradict God’s word!
Prayer: Holy Spirit enable me to make heaven by doing God’s will here on earth. Amen!



“Guide Against Complacency!”

“Guide Against Complacency!”(I Cor.10:12-13).“So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall! No temptation has overtaken you except what is

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