Theme: “Be A Servant Of All In Selflessness!”
Those who are my age may recall the humorous story of the quarrel between Nchanga the wet season and Enoma the dry season. Each claimed to have come first.
A sizable percentage of strives in the world is about who is greater than who? It is about who is superior to who?
This means it is about our inflated egos, self-conceit and self-deceit which are characteristics of pride.
Jesus was on his way through Galilee to Capernaum and he predicted the nearness of God handing him over to be killed and of his eventual resurrection after three days.
The disciples did not understand what he meant and were afraid to ask him about it.” How could they understand? They were busy arguing about who was the greatest!
Remember there is that one whom Jesus loved, then the favoured three he took up the mountain during the transfiguration. One of them even suggested that they should remain up there and not descend anymore.
They were surely arguing who will possibly take over if he was dead. Two of them even would dare to suggest the positions they would want to occupy once he was made king.
When they arrived home, Jesus asked why they were arguing and they were mute. They thought he had not noticed.
Jesus then in one simple sentence taught them what spiritual leadership is all about. “Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all.” Servanthood leadership is what Jesus is teaching us even today, even now! Jesus acknowledged that it is normal to be a leader, but that leadership is selfless service and servanthood; and not the pleasure derived from power and authority!
Servanthood leadership eschews pride and enhances humility! William Jenkyn an old Puritan wrote, “Humility is the ornament of angels, and pride the deformity of devils.”
Jesus went further to use a child as an object-lesson as he told them: “whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me.”(Mk.9:30-37).
Dear friend, it is good to recognise at all times that God is dwelling in the Other person! Each time you despise the person you consider the least, you are rejecting God and refusing to give him honour and praise!
Sunday prayer: Lord Jesus Christ help me to be a servant leader in my thoughts, words and deeds! Amen!
Have a blessed Sunday and welcome to a new month! Peace be with you!
“Where God’s Spirit Sends You, His Angels Will Attend To You!”
“Where God’s Spirit Sends You, Angels Will Attend To You!”(Mk.1:12-13).“At once, the Spirit sent him out into the wilderness, and he was in the wilderness