“Do Not Be An Idle Christian Because No Work, No Pay!”


“Do Not Be An Idle Christian Because No Work, No Pay!”
In Berabe my first parish I roofed three houses. When I was transferred two years later some people regretted my departure as they were expecting me to roof their houses the following year. Whereever I go, I have my carpentry tools. I don’t have to wait for a carpenter to come and do some common carpentry jobs in my home.
Old Christians of Nsimeyong can testify how I nailed our first temporary benches. Of course, I don’t have to remind you that I make millions of francs out of book writing.
Wherever we’ve worked, my wife leaves behind crops to our successor. In 2017 I sold yams from my farm for not less than two hundred thousands francs.
Those who think by saying this we are preaching ourself that is their problem. We have to be involved in the gospel we preach.
Like Paul I can say, “we were not idle when we were with you, nor did we eat anyone’s food without paying for it…we worked day and night, labouring and toiling so that we would not be a burden to any of you. We did this, not because we do not have the right to such help, but in order to make ourselves a model for you to follow…”
Paul confidently gave this rule: “If a man will not work, he shall not eat.” It is necessary that idleloafers should “settle down and earn the bread they eat.” Tom Sawyer became a philosopher when he realised that work is what one is obliged to do.
Yes my friend, do not spend nights in prayer vigil and sleep during the day. Long hours of prayer without work cannot put food on your table.
Pray as if work does not matter and work as if prayer is not important! There is no food for a lazy person. Do not be a busybody, rather get busy so that you can earn a living in “the name of the Lord Jesus Christ”(II Th.3:6-13). But even so, as a Christian “never tire of doung what is right.”
Weekend prayer: Holy Spirit encourage me to be devoted in service so that I deserve the pay I receive. Amen!
Have a blessed weekend! Peace be with you!



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