“Do Not Despise Anyone Created In God’s Image!”
Dessiderata says, even the fools, they too have their own stories to tell. In my village there is this guy we call “Popipong” or “Bila” for short because his name is Babila. When he was growing up and even now certain letters of the alphabet defy his pronunciations.
Surprisingly and to the amazement of linguists, this guy created a new word in the Mungaka language which has come to stay.
Bila wanted to say rice is Texas food, meaning you cannot actually be full by eating just rice. Not being able to pronounce Texas, he pronounced it “Tejac” which is now a popular name for rice known by Bali Nyonga people the world over..
You see my friend, we are all valuable in God’s sight and he has made us to be who and what we are for a purpose.
Onesimus may have been a slave of Philemon who didn’t seem profitable to his master. But as a Christian convert, he found favour with Paul and for Paul Onesimus became profitable to him and even to his former master Philemon.
It is like Philemon was so crossed with Onesimus and probably had him locked up.
Paul wrote from prison to Philemon stating, “I am sending him back. You therefore receive him…whom I wished to keep with me that on your behalf he might minister to me in my chains for the gospel”(Phil).
No doubt while sending people to the Christians in Thessalonica Paul included “Onesimus, a faithful and beloved brother, who is one of you…”(I Th.4:9-12).
Let us just for now not concentrate for whatever reason Paul from his imprisonment was sending that delegation to Thessalonica. For now what is important is that Onesimus just like my brother “Popipong” and many others who are like them are as important as you are. By the way who were you before now? For one thing, you are only as important as people want you to be, probably for what they stand to gain through you, without which you are just another scum of the earth! Treat everybody with respect and dignity keeping in mind the story of Lazarus and the rich man!
Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, may it not be my portion to undermine or underate anybody created in your image. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
“Immanuel!”(Zec.2:10-13)[22/12/2024].Coming from one of the renowned paramount fondoms of the Grass field (Graffi) regions of our motherland, I know what respect, humility, decency, and decorum