“A Commensurate Reward Is Awaiting You!”


“A Commensurate Reward Is Awaiting You!”(Mt. 19:27-30).
St. Patrick is said to have been the one who first introduced Christianity in Ireland, ca 432 AD. Ireland was a land inundated with gods. History has it that the king sat in council to deliberate on whether to embrace the new faith or not. The priest of their major god was the first person to agree that they should embrace the new religion. His reason: He said his priesthood service was for the welfare of the people. He prayed for people and they advanced, but he himself was not making any progress. He concluded that they should accept the new faith; judging by the benefits it promised.
Back in time, right with Jesus himself, Peter had wondered if there was any gain for them who had left everything to follow Jesus? Self-interest is an interesting human disposition. Our zeal for any pursuit diminishes the moment we realize there is no gain in it for us.
In every venture it is gain that motivates us; we can never be motivated by the loss which can happen.
Our adversaries who ridicule us, saying that “Christianity is a scam have contributed in large measure to the “Prosperity Gospel” which has taken hold of African Christianity; not only within Pentecostal and Charismatic circles, but also within mainline denominations.
All these because we have given a literal interpretation to an allegorical response of Jesus to Peter’s worry.
Pete had asked, “We have left everything to follow you! What then will be there for us?” Jesus responded saying interalia, “…and everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life …”
It is an irreconcilable contradiction to believe that a man who died in penury, and who had never experienced as ostentatious lifestyle will be interceding on our behalf that God should make us immeasurably wealthy!
If that were so, he wouldn’t have said, we should only ask for the bread that is sufficient for each day.
What is important to note is that there is much more than gain in following Christ – eternal life. Failure in understanding this is what will be the cause of much surprises on the last day. Some who are first will be last, while some who are last will be first.
Trust the One who has called you. Whatever it be, your labor shall not be in vain!
Weekend prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for the assurance that our choice of you is the best choice ever. Amen!
Have a blessed weekend! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.



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