“A Prayer For Replacement; Especially In The Church!”


“Prayer For A Replacement; Especially In The Church!”(Acts.1:12-26).
Early beginnings of the Christian Church was soon after the Ascension. The apostles, with the women, including Jesus’ mother and his brothers used to gather and joined constantly in prayer. Their number increased to above a hundred and twenty believers.
Peter, who was already a self-made mouthpiece of the apostles expressed the need for the replacement of Judas Iscariot. This was to fulfil Scriptures.
They proposed two men; men who had been with them the whole time of Jesus’ ministry up to the time of his ascension. The chosen one was to “become a witness with us of the resurrection.” Joseph and Matthias were chosen. They prayed to the Lord, “cast lots and the lot fell to Matthias, so he was added to the eleven apostles.”
Yesterday we read how before his ascension Jesus told them not to leave Jerusalem “until they had been baptized with the Holy Spirit.” They were to receive power from the Holy Spirit and they will start to witness for Christ.
But when Peter stood up to talk about the need for the replacement of Judas Iscariot, he said “the Scripture had to be fulfilled when the Holy Spirit spoke through David…”
The distinction is clear! The Holy Spirit did not come into the world only on Pentecost. The Holy Spirit had always been there in the Old Testament right from the first day of creation(Gen.1:2).
The difference is that the Holy Spirit was to come on the apostles to give them power so that they could become witnesses to the resurrection and teach about Christ.
There may be strength in numbers, but those who gather for the first worship are usually few. However, like a mustard seed they grow to 120 and then on a single day about 3000 people were added as in the early Church (Acts 2:41).
Leadership in the church and in places where Christians serve should consider the model prayer for the replacement of Judas Iscariot.
They prayed, “Lord you know everyone’s heart. Show us which of these two you have chosen to take over this apostolic mission…”
Our hope and trust is that all apostolic succession believers should pray this model prayer for selection and keep aside dirty manipulation whereby referees are selected from one of the teams playing the match! This is the year of reorganisation in the PCC. The selection process that has been completed in the congregations continue at the level of the presbyteries and then to Synod.
Our prayer for my Church and for Cameroon next year:
May the Lord who knows everyone’s heart cause our votes to go to those after his heart. Amen!
Have a blessed weekend! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.



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