“A Priest Forever!”(Heb.7:15-22).
The first time a priest is mentioned in the Old Testament is when Melchizedeck, “priest of the Most High God,” who doubled as the king of Salem came out to meet Abraham, soon after Abraham rescued Lot(Gen.14:18). From then on, it is only during the exodus that a priesthood is inaugurated from Aaron down through his bloodline. However, as in all primitive cultures – including Africa – family heads served as family priests. The duties of ancient priests included mainly the offering of sacrifices. So to say, the main job of a priest is “to be a mediator between God and man by offering sacrifice…” The main element of a sacrifice is blood.
What has been emphasised in the story of Abraham attempting to sacrifice Isaac is that God was testing Abraham. But if we consider that Isaac was a sacrificial offering, we would see Abraham assuming the role of a priest who was imitating the human sacrifice perpetuated by the nations where he lived.
God did not only stop Abraham from sacrificing Isaac, he was by that stopping human sacrifice and replacing it with animal sacrifice.
We may not be wrong then to suggest that Melchizedek the first mentioned biblical priest of God Most High was also involved in human sacrifice.
If this is so, then Jesus Christ is truly a priest in the order of Melchizedek as he made a return to human sacrifice as in the manner of Melchizedek.
God did not do this through Christ as a way of returning to human sacrifice, but as a means of stopping animal sacrifice and putting an end to sacrifice by using Jesus Christ as a human scapegoat – a once and for all sacrifice.
Jesus Christ becomes a priest more than Melchizedek because he was not only priest, but because he was the sacrificial blood. We emphasise on blood since the essential element of a sacrifice is blood.
The Lord Jesus Christ is “a priest forever” because he used his own blood for the once and forever sacrifice. He “has become the guarantee of a better covenant.”
I am a very culturally inclined African; equally steeped in African traditional religion. I have also been privileged to the study of African traditional religion and the dynamics of Christianity within the continent. Our conclusion therefore: Sacrifice(blood) is essential in the appeasement of Divinity. Each sacrifice includes the person making the sacrifice, the sacrifice itself and the Divine Receptor. The Lord Jesus Christ is presented as all three combined in one. He is the priest, the blood of sacrifice and the Divine to whom the sacrifice is made.
So my dear friend, if you have the Lord Jesus Christ, you have more than is required. Let no man tempt you away by any sweet promises whose satisfaction can only be momentary.
Weekend prayer: Holy Spirit help us to understand and accept that the Lord Jesus Christ is all we need. Amen!
Have a blessed weekend! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.
“Here Am I. Send me!”
“Here Am I. Send Me!”(Is.6:1-9a).This week’s reflections is on God’s call and man’s response. We have moved from Moses to Abram, to David and today