“After A Day Of Rest Be Zealous At Your Work Place!”


“After A Day Of Rest Be Zealous At Your Work Place!”
Some have argued that the weekly calender coincides with the first quarter of the moon, the half moon, the third quarter and the full quarter. Each quarter is seven dayd, thus the full moon is 28 days coinciding with our calender month.
Each quarter of seven days makes a week. Genesis 14 talks of creation of lights including sun, moon and stars to “serve as signs to mark the seasons and days and years…” This may explain why in most African languages the name for month and moon are the same.
God finished his work on the sixth day and so by the first quarter of the moon, that is the seventh day, “he rested from all his work. And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy…”(Gen.2:2).
This day on which God rested is called the Sabbath which was given as an ultimantum for all Israel to rest. Anyone who did work on the Sabbath was to be put to death.
Christianity considers that Sunday is the Lord’s day and has thus replaced the Sabbath which has become the day consecreted to God to be celebrated in his presence. And this must be done for generations to come “as a lasting covenant”(Ex.31:12-17).
But the truth is in this monetary economy and nonstop functioning of some kinds of work can we truly respect the Sabbath as a full day of rest?
This is where Jesus often got into conflict with those who insisted on the legality of the Sabbath law at the expense of the mercy which was highlighted by the Sabbath law!
The worker deserves rest. Rest is important to the body. When you overwork the body and fall ill, most times the doctors request for a bed rest.
Let us learn to keep the covenant of God by resting on the Lord’s day, celebrating him on that day and keeping the day holy. Let us learn not to indulge in follies that desecrates the Sabbath and leads to sin, for the wages of sin is death!
Prayer of the week: Thank you Lord for a new working week. Let us be zealous at our work place after a deserved Sabbath of rest. Amen!
Have a blessed day and week! Peace bewith you!



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