“Eternity In Our Hearts!”

“Eternity In Our Hearts!”(Eccl.3:1-14)[25/11/24].“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot…What does the worker gain from his toil? I have seen the burden God has laid on men. He has […]

“Washed In The Blood Of The Lamb!”

“Washed In The Blood Of The Lamb!”(Rev.7:9-17)[24/11/24].What distinguishes people on tribal and ethnic lines is language. Here is where what happened at Babel is the source of tribal and ethnic tensions based on linguistic differences. From Babel thereon humans have taken the division of Babel to become a means of promoting tribal and ethnic interests. […]

“In God’s Plan 2!”

“In God’s Plan 2!”(Rom.5:15-17)[22/11/24].We continue to read from Romans 5:15-17 according to the church’s lectionary. From my point of view these few verses fall among those writings of Paul which Peter writes, “…His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort…”(II Pt.3:16).Dora Greenwell echoes this in a different […]

“In God’s Plan!”

“In God’s Plan 1!”(Rom.5:12-14)[21/11/24].Those who oppose the gospel often wonder how it is possible that two people sinned in Eden and all humanity is born with sin. If there is genetic inheritance then that original sin runs in our DNA since we all descended from Adam and Eve. Sin entered the world through Adam and […]

“Forgiving As An Action!”

“Forgiving As An Action!”(Mt.6:9-15)[20/11/24].The Lord Jesus Christ was teaching about prayer and ended with *”This, then is how you should pray:” He then gave the words of what has come to be called, “The Lord’s Prayer.” The prayer should better be called, “The Disciples’ Prayer” because it was meant as a model for the disciples.After […]