“I Know Who Holds Tomorrow!”
“I Know Who Holds Tomorrow!”(Jam.4:11-17).“…Now listen, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.’ Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life. You are a mist that appears for a little while and […]
“When All The Saints Go Marching In…!”
“When All The Saints Go Marching In…!”(Heb.11:23-38).There is no doubt that in a way, the missionaries to Africa were surrogates of colonisation. This view of the missionary enterprise is upheld in Southern Africa with the painful, often quoted vexatious statement that “When the missionaries came to our ancestors, they gave them the Bible. Then they […]
“Happy Reformation Day!”
“Happy Reformation Day!”“When The Church Is In Error!”(II Pt.2:1-10).Today is Reformation Day. The importance of the Reformation cannot be gainsaid; both for the Protestant, the Catholic and the Orthodox churches.Our reflection today considers this old time accepted Reformation slogan:Ecclesia reformata, semper reformanda,” that is, “the church reformed, always being reformed,” according to the “Word of […]
“Constantly Pray For Others!”
“Constantly Pray For Others!”(II Th.1:11-12).Our spiritual strengthening does not depend solely on our efforts but also strongly on the constant prayers of others who intercede for us.The song “You pray for me and I pray for you” gives the impression that prayer is transactional – as if, if I do not pray for you, you […]
“Action Versus Motive!”
“Action Versus Motive!”(I Cor.4:1-5).There are always some Christians in your former parish who when they meet you will start with, “We miss you…”, bla bla bla! Do not try to stretch the conversation. If you do, you will end up promoting such Christians to discredit your successor.Believe you me, these words remain true always: “He […]