“Action Versus Motive!”
“Action Versus Motive!”(I Cor.4:1-5).There are always some Christians in your former parish who when they meet you will start with, “We miss you…”, bla bla bla! Do not try to stretch the conversation. If you do, you will end up promoting such Christians to discredit your successor.Believe you me, these words remain true always: “He […]
“Watch Yourselves!”
“Watch Yourselves!”(Lk.17:1-4).We introduce today’s reflection with a peep on supralapsarianism and infralapsarianism. Infralapsarians hold the view that God’s decree of election and reprobation preceded the Fall. Meanwhile infralapsarianism is the doctrine that God forsaw and permitted the fall after which he then decreed election as the means to save the human race. This is a […]
“Commensurate Reward!”
“Commensurate Reward!”(Rom.2:1-11).From the maxim of equity is the phrase,“He who comes to equity must come with clean hands.” Captitalising on this maxim sinks the world into the miry deeps of irredeemable moral decay.Does going to equity with clean hands contradict the doctrine of grace that comes through faith in Christ? The doctrine of grace insinuates […]
“The Rider On The White Horse!”
“The Rider On The White Horse!”(Rev.19:11-16).In the “Triumphal Entry,” which culminated in Jesus’ death, he rode on a donkey(Jn.12:14f).In today’s text from Revelation, the risen Lord Jesus Christ is coming like “The Rider on a White Horse.”The donkey is a beast of burden. Those who lead donkeys sometimes ride on it. These persons are usually […]
“Pray For Your Spiritual Leader!”
“Pray For Your Spiritual Leader!”(Rom.15:30-33).We have this tradition of celebrating the birth anniversaries every month. It was my birth month, and I joined the other Christians who were of the same birth month. I asked a senior elder to mount the sanctuary and pray for us. To many Christians , it was kind of strange […]