“Lord Have Mercy On Us!”

“Lord Have Mercy On Us!”(Mt.9:27-31).Yesterday we reflected on the story of how Jesus gave sight to a man by spitting in the man’s eyes and placing his hand on the eyes. This man was brought by some people who begged Jesus to touch the man. There was nothing about the faith of the man or […]

“Zero Publicity!”

“Zero Publicity!”(Mk.8:22-26).Africans ought to be more at home with the gospel, not because they have been brainwashed, but because there’s a lot of commonalities between both cultural contexts.Yesterday our focus was on Namaan who was cured of leprosy by dipping himself in the Jordan seven times.Today we are told how Jesus gave sight to a […]

“Go In Peace!”

“Go In Peace!”(II Kgs. 6:9-19a).Namaan finally went to Elisha. Elisha sent a messenger to tell him, “Go, wash yourself seven times in the Jordan, and your flesh will be restored and you will be cleansed.”Namaan was slighted. He had expected Elisha to come out to him, invoke God to heal him. He wondered if the […]

“The Advice Of A Slave Girl…!”

“The Advice Of A slave Girl…!”(II Kgs 5:1-8).Folk wisdom states that in a typical African kingdom no-one knows the queen who shall give birth to the next king. What this means is that treat all the queens with respect as you do not want to risk falling out of favor with the next queen mother.This […]

“The Power In The Name!”

“The Power In The Name!”(Acts 3:1-21).Back in the days, – in missionary times – there was this young pastor from an interior enclaved African village. He gained a scholarship, went and studied abroad and bagged a PhD. Upon his return to the village, the community fixed a day to welcome him home and celebrate his […]