“Life In The Son Of God!”

“Life In The Son Of God!”(1 Jn.5:11-13).We do not want to explain certain details here or now concerning esoteric fraternities and cults.If you are discerning, you may have noticed a trend that in some denominations clergy of certain tribal origins and those with close affinities to them all rise to juicy placements – whether they […]

“The Truth That Sets Free!”

“The Truth That Sets Free!”(Jn.8:31-36).A young man, with glee, once told his friends that he was now finally free of the condemnation of sin as found in the Bible. When asked how he mastered this, he told them:“I have stopped reading the Bible.”If it is true that ignorance is no excuse before the law, it […]

“Teaching From The One Who Sends Us!”

“Teaching From The One Who Sends Us!”(Jn.7:14-18).We cannot underestimate the gains of the missionary movement in Africa. The missionaries sacrificed their lives to ensure that people in far-off places should receive the good news of Jesus Christ. However, in their zeal, they had some lapses. One of the lapses was their fight against other cultures […]

“Purposely Staying Away Until The Right Time!”

“Purposely Staying Away Until The Right Time!”(Jn.7:1-13).“After this, Jesus went around Galilee, purposely staying away from Judea because the Jews there were waiting to take his life…”What happened before now is that after some hard teachings from Jesus, “many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him.” Jesus felt the weight of this […]

“Available For Refining And Purification!”

“Available For Refining And Purification!”(Mic.3:1-4).Yesterday may be gone, but the future we often long for is a longing for the past. The future restoration we look forward to is actually a quest to regain “Paradise Lost.”Such was the way prophet Micah considered the time of the LORD’S coming.According to Micah, the present was unrefined and […]