“Be Reminded Of The Supremacy Of Christ V!”

“Be Reminded Of The Supremacy Of Christ V!”In Lycaonia Paul healed a man who was born lame and had never walked. The crowd, marvelled at what happened shouted, “The gods have come down to us in human form!” Paul was with Barnabas. They called Barnabas Zeus, and called Paul Hermes. Greek mythology holds that the […]

“Be Reminded Of God’s Supremacy III!”

“Be Reminded Of The Supremacy Of Christ III!”(Rom.1:18-25).Before his final revelation through the incarnation, God did not leave himself without a witness anywhere in the world. For instance, Christian missionaries did not bring God to Africa. Rather, God brought them to Africa to help Africans to name Christ. Scriptures attest that “God did not leave […]

“Be Reminded Of The Supremacy Of Christ!”

‘Be Reminded Of The Supremacy Of Christ II!”(I Cor.81-6).A common expression that some people use in friendly chat is “I know, right?” What exactly do you know?A contention arose at Corinth concerning food offered to idols. It seems like each person was claiming to have knowledge of what the solution should be. In addressing the […]

“Be Reminded Of The Supremacy Of Christ!”

“Be Reminded Of The Supremacy Of Christ!”(Col.1:15-20).A prominent anglophone statesman and staunch Christian once said that once he became a Rosicrucian, his Christian faith became more strengthened. How many other Christian Rosicrucians think that way? Christians who join the Order can even capitalise on the fact that the Order was founded by a Christian priest.The […]

“The Incarnate Word!”

“The InCarnate Word!”(Jn.1:1-4).From New Testament times, translation has been an important means of making the gospel relevant in various cultural contexts. Translation clarifies that Christ belongs to all cultures and contexts.The incarnation was the translation of the incarnate invisible Christ into a visible human Jesus.From there on, all translations are retranslations of the original translation […]