“Seek Justice For The Poor And Needy!”

“Seek Justice For The Poor And Needy!” It is the duty of any leadership to execute justice with the consciousness that God is watching! Both leadership and people are to execute judgment and mercy, especially to the most needy. When this priority is misplaced, the God who appointed can still dissappoint! Leaders who prefer ostentatious […]

“Within Your Means, Care For Those Who Are In Need!”

“Within Your Means, Care For Those Who Are In Need!” The commonest riddle which we learned around the fireside is the simple nostalgic expression, “Ehh Mm!” The answers include, widow, orphan, princess, foreigner etc. Each of these persons laments being treated like underdogs because of their circumstances! Even in these modern times it is quite […]

“May The Lord Commend Your Gift!”

“May The Lord Commend Your Gift!” It was offering time. “Many rich people threw large amounts. But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a fraction of a penny.” Jesus drew the attention of the disciples to this, “I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put […]

“Approach The Throne Of Grace With Faith And Be Healed!”

“”Approach The Throne Of Grace With Faith And Be Healed!” “The letter from James is a collection of practical instructions” with a universal tinge for God’s people wherever they may be. The text today centres on instructions concerning trouble, happiness and sickness. The synonyms to trouble include anxiety and stress which are like mental illnesses. […]

“Relax! It Is Well With You!”

“Relax! It Is Well With You!” According to Luke, after Jesus had been tempted by Satan, he returned to Galilee “in the power of the Holy Spirit…” and the first direct scripture he read which we know was in Nazareth, his childhood town, and the text was from the prophet Isaiah. When he sat down […]