“Avoid Hypocrisy; Do Not Set Aside The Grace Of God!”
“Avoid Hypocrisy; Do Not Set Aside The Grace Of God!” The consequences of any action, be it negative or positive has a multiplier effect. When the action is negative, if it does not meet with a boldfaced reaction, the repercussions can become contagiouslydissastrous! Paul writes to the Christians in Galatia, “When Peter came to Antioch, […]
“Just Like Jesus, Rule Like The One Who Serves!”
“Like Jesus, Rule Like The One Who Serves!” I use to be comfortable to know that the Lord “prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies”(Ps.23:5). I have however been humbled by the Lord to recognise that such a table is not in this life. It is in the kingdom of Jesus […]
“Your Sins Are Forgiven…Go In Peace!”
“Your Sins Are Forgiven…Go In Peace!” Nothing is new. Today we talk of kinesics, “the study of the way in which certain body movements and gestures serve as a form of non-verbal communication.” The polygraph or lie detector test may have a correlation to kinesics. Jesus seems to have been a master of this science […]
“Seek Greatness In Servanthood!”
“Seek Greatness In Servanthood!” The Lord Jesus Christ expects his followers to suit their words with action, for action speaks louder than words. Teachers, fathers and instructors are expected to lead by example and not by mere words. Unfortunately in our human weaknesses, we often fail to convince our own selves, even when we know […]
“Lord, Listen! Lord, Hear And Act! For Your Sake…Do Not Delay…!”
“Lord, Listen! Lord, Hear And Act! For Your Sake…Do Not Delay…!” As Christians our help comes from nowhere else than from the Lord our creator, provider, sustainer and sanctifier. We cannot know what God has planned for us, nor the time he has set for us, except through his word. It was only through the […]