“Let Us Cry Out…’Look, Lord And Consider…!'”
“Let Us Cry Out…Look, Lord And Consider…!” We were once admired as a citadel of peace. We once prided ourselves as “Africa in miniature.” Alas; like Jerusalem after its destruction, “all who pass our way clap their hands at us, they scoff and shake their heads and say, “Is this the city that was called […]
“Lord, Look On Us With Pity!”
“Lord, Look On Us With Pity!” Nobody can claim victory for destroying a child of God, because, “unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labour in vain…”(Ps.127:1). It is in the same way that unless the Lord demolishes the house, the demolishers labour in vain! The deserted towns and villages, the displacements of hundreds […]
“Lord, Hear Our Prayer And Heal Our Land!”
“Lord, Hear Our Prayer And Heal Our Land!” One reason why the Bible is called a “Living Book” is because it speaks to current context as if it was written for just that particular context. Take the book of Lamentations, “funeral songs” probably by Jeremiah, “who was grieving over the destruction of Jerusalem.” Lamentations seems […]
“Destroy The Evil Temple In You So That Christ Can Rebuild You!”
“Destroy The Evil Temple In You So That Christ Can Rebuild You!” The church of today has degenerated to that kind of temple courts where business overcrowded spiritual concerns! Jesus had to take the risk to cleanse the temple by initiating a drastic spiritual reform equal only to that which king Josiah initiated in the […]
“Go And Do What You Have Read!”
“Go And Do What You Have Read!” “The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray. Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have […]