“Make Yourself Beautiful/Handsome From Within!”
“Make Yourself Beautiful/Handsome From Within!” Conficius who lived before Christ is said to have said, “If there is righteousness in the heart, there will be beauty in the character. If there is beauty in the character, there will be harmony in the home. If there is harmony in the home, there will be order in […]
“Be Wise; Always Share With Others!”
“Be Wise; Always Share With Others!” I read somewhere that Margaret Thatcher’s wealth was estimated at $6.000.000 at the same time that Kamuzu Banda’s wealth was estimated at $320.000.000; fifty three times more than that of Thatcher. The author goes on to say at that time Banda’s wealth was nothing compared to that of Abacha. […]
“Lord, Make Me A Wise Builder!”
“Lord, Make Me A Wise Builder!” At least one third of the world’s population is Christian. In Cameroon there are three broad religious groupings namely Christianity, Islam and Traditional religions. Of these three groups two thirds of the population is Christian followed by Islam. Rev Fr Tata Mbuy has rightly pointed out that Traditional religion […]
“I Am With You And Will Rescue You!”
“”I Am With You And Will Rescue You!” God told Jeremiah to get ready to go tell the people of their idolatory. “…stand up and say to them whatever I command you…stand against the kings of Judah, its officials, its priests and the people of the land.” Jeremiah’s assignment is that kind of assignment which […]
“Pray For Wisdom, For ‘Wisdom Is Better Then Strength!'”
“Pray For Wisdom, For ‘Wisdom Is Better Then Strength!’” The wisdom of a poor man saved a small city from the invasion of a powerful king who came against it. Unfortunately “nobody remembered that poor man.” “Wisdom is better than strength,” yet, today more than ever, “the poor man’s wisdom is despised, and his words […]