“Remain Rooted In Jesus Christ The Everlasting Treasure!”

“Remain Rooted In Jesus Christ The Everlasting Treasure!” Africa people go to “Babas” to find ways of becoming rich, becoming wise or to gain power and have authority over others. Unfortunately the conditions are explained to them only when they have been initiated. The devil does not offer any free lunch! What he gives you […]

“Prepare Yourself For The Lord’s Harvest Time!”

“Prepare Yourself For The Lord’s Harvest Time!” If there is a season to plant, there is a season to harvest. And as the saying goes, “you reap what you sow!” The psalmist reminds us that “the earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it”(24:1). We are God’s […]

“Shine Like A Star In The Universe!”

“Shine Like A Star In The Universe!” After having been declared in a meeting by an angel from heaven that I am a devil, I went home with a heavy heart waiting for Lucifer to come lead me to his kingdom. Then as I woke up in the early morning to work on the meditation, […]

“Grace And Peace To You…!”

“Grace And Peace To You…!” In a world torn apart by ego and unbridled ambition it is rare to find someone writing as a duo the way Paul introduced his letter to the Christians in Philippi. “Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus…” Ours is a world where the “We” is swallowed up by the […]

“Holy Spirit Enable Me To Do God’s Will…!”

“Holy Spirit, Enable Me To Do God’s Will…!” Yesterday I read an interesting article in the Africa Theological Journal, Makumira University College. The article is by Anna Chitando. Chitando tells the story of a prophet who “became a national celebrity due to his claim that he could assist couples and individuals with fetility problems… He […]