“Is Your Name Written In The Book Of Life?”
“Is Your Name Written In The Book Of Life?” The letter to the church in Sardis, just like those to the other six churches is addressed “to the angel of the church…” Every church, institution, organization and individuals have guardian angels charged with the responsibility of ensuring right actions. Like the believers of Sardis most […]
“Being Alive To God In Christ Jesus!”
“Being Alive To God In Christ Jesus!” Christ “died to sin once and for all; but the life he lives, he lives for God. In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.” Does this mean that sin ceased to exist with the death of Christ Jesus? Or […]
“Learn To Live A New Life In Christ Jesus!”
“Learn To Live A New Life In Christ Jesus!” In a world where evil seems to have a stranglehold on humanity it is common to hear, “He that is in me is powerful than he who is in the world.” Quite true enough; but this means when we know that he is more than the […]
“Give Everyone A Chance…!”
“Give Everyone A Chance…!” When schools boycott started in 2017 a joke made its round that “all schools have been shut down except Sunday Schools.” It may have been a joke, but it tells how important children are in heavenly matters. Jesus tells us that children also have an important place in the kingdom of […]
“Make Yourself Always Ready For Reconciliation!”
“Make Yourself Always Ready For Reconciliation!” The question on many lips today is, “Why is it so difficult for church ministers in particular and all christians in general to practice what they preach concerning the settling of disputes?” If I am accused rightly or wrongly, I will provide the right opportunity for my accusers to […]