“Thank You Jesus For Still Loving Me!”

“Thank You Jesus For Still Loving Me!” The crowd is more or less a facade; it is not a guarantee for well-intentioned followers worth writing home about. Those who surround you, applaud your every move and pamper you are not there for your interest. My people say the dog is not after the chase for […]

“Give Up Everything You Have, Give Yourself To Jesus Christ!”

These days we measure successful soul-winning by the swelling membership that we have. Quite often we are less concerned with how committed those thousands are in true discipleship. A large crowd was travelling with Jesus but he was seemingly not interested in the numbers. Jesus the mind reader sensed the motives of the many within […]

“Give Generously For The Service Of The Lord!”

“Give Generously For The Service Of The Lord!” Giving for the service of God’s work is an obligation to every believer. However, there must be proper education and groundwork so that people are not taken unawares. When such preparations are lacking, the people give grudgingly. Worst still, when there is lack of accountability, giving will […]

“Spiritual Wealth Is Better Than Earthly Riches!”

“Spiritual Wealth Is Better Then Earthly Riches!” When an overloaded boat risk sinking, the crewmen are forced to cast heavy loads overboard so as to lighten the vessel and save the lives of the passengers. When wealth increases, even the pious may tend to ignore the source of that same blessing. Insatiable man is often […]

“Make God’s Abundant Life Possible!”

“Make God’s Abundant Life Possible!” Isaiah prophesied a glorious time when “the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the water covers the sea.” At that time creatures that prey or are prey to other creatures will live together peaceably. Such a time of absolute bliss and conviviality that “the infant […]