“May God Give You The Spirit Of Unity!”

“May God Give You The Spirit Of Unity!” The greatest weakness in the body of Christ is a divided Church. To parody Bishop David Oginde of “Christ the Answer Ministry”, the time when the church is highly divided is during service time. It is “each man to his tent.” The question that has defied any […]

“Overcome Evil With Good!”

“Overcome Evil With Good!” Paul’s message to the Romans speaks to us in claimant tones as if we are not third party recipients! In undiluted language he writes, “Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. If it is possible, as far as it […]

“For The Sake Of Peace, Think Of Others Before Self!”

“For The Sake Of Peace, Think Of Others Before Self!” My people say one cannot be in the house alone and yet complain that someone has farted. It takes two to tango. Humanity is a social animal. Each person has a unique socialization background. Living together means there’s bound to be conflicts, but when conflicts […]

“Do Not Allow Your Wealth To Seperate You From Loved Ones!”

“Do Not Allow Your Wealth To Seperate You From Loved Ones!” A female group in my village sings that “If I have to choose between a house full of money and humans, I will choose humans for humanbeings are surpassing wealth!” Majority of strained relationships and conflicts stem from vested interest and the acquisition of […]

“Do Not Take A Fellow Believer To Court!”

“Do Not Take A Fellow Believer To Court!” It is sad for christians to take other christians to court. It is a sad day when christians are locked up in police custody as dictated by other christians. It is a sad thing for the church when people are languishing in jails because they have been […]